When you buy a car you ask about aspects such a fuel consumption, cost of maintenance and eco-innovations amongst other things. Yet with a property purchase, people typically focus more on the act of buying the property, rather than how the house itself functions. Traditional methods of building use many different aspects all coming together to form a property but how does that property work? Is it energy efficient? What is the air quality like?
Using MMC, we can bring together all of the good aspects of smart-home living within the construction of a brand new home as well as ensuring that the build process doesn’t cost the earth at the same time.
Offsite manufacture and modern methods of construction (MMC) means that the design, planning, manufacture and pre-assembly of construction components occurs within a factory environment, prior to installation on site.
Traditional building sites create noise, dust and pollution with a huge carbon footprint of multiple materials being transported to a site. It’s no secret that the government’s green initiative needs to be considered with the topic of sustainability being brought to the forefront of every company’s agenda.
We need new homes to be created that go beyond fuel efficiency, we need them to be eco-innovative.
MMC is proven to use up to 67% less energy during the construction process and reduce up to 80% of waste compared to alternative methods. The process of MMC has also been identified as having greater recyclability in comparison to traditional construction methods with each aspect being built to meet the higher standards of sustainability, such as BREEAM.
As we’ve found during our own design process, innovation in this area lead to new solutions being created that can quickly be included within a build. MMC is adaptable to change, and in many ways, flourishes from it. Throughout the construction process modular buildings can be continuously adapted to improve their efficiency, revise the choice of materials and overall boost a site’s ability to reach net zero.
Founder of More Housing and director Arif Khan says:
‘It makes no sense not to be smart – when energy bills are rising why wouldn’t you consider the materials to ensure the home is functioning in a manner to keep it warm or cool. If you start thinking of the walls of a house like a machine – it needs to work properly. Heat exchanges, air flow, temperature and how all this can be powered can and have all been questioned.
It’s not a solution if it creates more problems. That’s is why it’s taken us four years to have the result we have now. Homes can be smart and each of our More Housing homes are planet friendly, mental health friendly and eco-innovative.’
Benefits for councils and housing associations
• Full disclosure on materials to be eco friendly to assist them in meeting their own targets and government guidelines for the future
• Fast turnaround on housing
• Reduction in waste
• Better access to labour
• Lower carbon footprint due to materials all sourced within the UK
• Creation of jobs for skilled workers and apprentices
• Safety and efficiency within the work place as systems are easier to regulate and less temperamental.
• Deadlines are able to be reached without impeding weather factors
• Higher quality homes
• Majorly improved airtight and air flow
Meeting the Government deadlines for new homes, tackling homelessness and temporary housing as well as ensuring that the builds all satisfy the government regulations or carbon and sustainability is no mean feat.
We are honoured to see our hard work and effort pay off. Come and see for yourselves and visit The Parker at BRE Innovation Park, Watford Headquarters.